Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Thought Slave

Hey all. You know what? I have been learning more and more about having thoughts and thought processing. With me being a former psychology major, I had to learn about the brain, how it works, what fluids keep it running, what side of the brain did what, amongst other things. But I had to learn about the spiritual side, too. I learned from the Word that an idle mind is the devil's workshop. If we are not careful about what we think about, the enemy will use what we think about to try to bring it to fruition. If the enemy tries to bring negativity to your mind about anything, you don't have to accept it. Especially it is about your past. God has placed His power in you to cast down anything that the enemy tries to bring to you. The Word says that we have the power over enemy and his minions. We are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ. In order for us to use this power, we have to use His Word. And we have to use it daily. We have to meditate on His Word to keep our minds focused on Him and what He says about us. Even the Lord Himself said, "The thoughts I HAVE toward you are good and not evil." The Lord Himself thinks. He is constantly thinking about how He loves us, how He cares for us and how He wants the best for us. All the time. We can be the same way. We just have to want to practice wanting to be that same way. Be no slave to the evil thoughts that the enemy or yourself brings. Be a slave to what God has spoken over you. And to what He thinks about you.