Saturday, March 30, 2013


Guess what? I got my hair cut Thursday. I got it all cut off. My hair was in need of a serious cut. it was ll different lengths and needed deep conditioning. I went to a beauty school to get my hair done. When I first walked in, I told the stylist I was just looking for a wash, blow dry and style. But because of the condition of my hair, she herself was not so sure. So she went and got her teacher. Her teacher looked at my hair and told me what I needed to hear about my hair. She said since I was already natural that I needed to start fresh for real. See, I started going natural three years ago but did not properly cut my hair the way that I needed to cut it. So I took off bits and pieces of my own. Not good. She told me that she does not teach her students to camouflage. If there is a problem, there is a problem. I said okay. She told me it would be way better for me to start all over. And I did. I am cute with my baby afro. :) I look better than I thought I would. It was like my head was saying, "Awww...." A spirit of release was on me that day and it still is. I feel so free right now. And then I have been reading Dr. Juanita Bynum's book, "No More Sheets". That book is really blessing my life right now. There have been some things that I have been longing to break free from. And this book is helping me do it. It is like the light is really on now. And that Hairstylist/teacher blessed me in more ways than one. She not only cut my hair. She also spoke into my life by talking about my hair. She said don't put a band aid on something that needs surgery. I won't forget that. We as people often times do that. We would rather smooth things over and just say that it is cool when it is not. That is what I had been doing all my life. I have grown tired of just ignoring the situation and acting like I was delivered when I was really struggling. In order for me to be all that God has called me to be, I had to repent of all the times that I was disobedient, lazy, slothful, procrastinating, rebellious, and hypocritical. I want to be the real woman that God has already proclaimed that I am. As of yesterday, I started my process my canceling two profiles that I have had for about six or seven years. My flesh did not like it but my spirit was patting me on the back. There was some clothes that was given to me that I had not worn because I had not gotten around to wearing them. But they were not clothes that was befitting for a woman of God like myself. And also I will be getting rid of some music soon. I like the path that God has me on. I want to do all the things that God has placed on my heart to do. Everything. I have ideas that could really further the Kingdom of God. And I want God's thumbprint on it. I want to be all that God says I can be. This process is getting me there. Pray for me as I continue on my journey to freedom.

Also, I want to suggest another book to you. Dr. Ty Adam's book, "Single, Saved, and Having Sex". Please check it out.

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