Monday, April 24, 2017

I know who I am.

Hey guys. I have been doing some soul searching lately. I have done some discovering as well. And what I have been searching for and discovered is something that I have known all a long. I have been doing it since I wa 11 years old. I am a writer. That is what I am. There is no way of denying it. No way to get around it. I am a writer, poet and songwriter. I love words. I love how the right usage of words can change a person's life. I love the effect that words can positively have on people. I love going into the mind of authors and poets and get a feel of how the view the world around them. I love to read so much so that I could live in a library. Give me a great book, clothing, food and somewhere to bathe and I am good to go. This is who I am. I am proud to be who I am. And I want you all to know who you are. When you come into the realization of who you are, you are not afraid to be who you are. God created all of us to be unique. We all have different gifts and talents. We all look different. God loves variety thus making all of creation. I want you to ask yourself, " Who am I?" Find out what your purpose is. Once you discover that, you will discover your talent. Your talent will open up doors for you that you thought could never be opened. The journey is not an easy one but it is well worth it. Trust me. Knowing who you are and whose are is beautiful. It sets you free to be all that God says you can be.

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