Thursday, August 31, 2017

Let go.

Hey everybody. You know... I have to think a lot about what I am going to write in this blog. Some days I think that it would be simple but that is not always the case. I ran into a situation not too long ago where it involved an adult guilt tripping another adult. And the other adult fell for it. Now mind you, this adult knows that this person this all the time. They know it. Yet they still choose to succumb to such stupidity and gaslighting. Why? They claim they don't nothing to happen to the other person or make them upset. Hm.

I have learned a long time ago don't let people manipulate you into believing or feeling anything tin at you don't want to or need to. Why allow someone else to set your thermostat? Why? Love yourself enough to know when enough is enough. You don't have to put up with bad behavior. You really don't. And sometimes that means not answering the phone. Not answering the door. Blocking people. All of it is necessary. And teach it to your kids. Show them just like you don't take the manipulation from them, they don't need to take it from anybody else.

Whatever happens to that person happens. Some stuff you can't stop. This is how people grow up. They have to go through something in order to get better. When you just let go, the other stuff will stop. I promise you.

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