Wednesday, March 27, 2013

What are you going to do?

Hey everybody. What is going on? Hope everything is good. Great. Today, I need to talk to guys about something. Especially to my fellow saints out there.  Here goes:

At my church, I give out health information every Sunday at my church, Divine Love Fellowship. Novemeber of last year, I was preparing to get information HIV/AIDS by watching some YouTube videos. I saw this one video where they had a list of people who well known in the nation or just in their own community. There was one picture caught my eye. It was a picture of a man named Willi Ninja. I was oddly drawn to this man in the video. I decided to do some research about him. I found that he was a choreographer, dancer, runway trainer and even an artist. He was also gay. He was well known and well loved in the gay community and in the fashion community. It has been said to know Willi was to love him. There is even one video on YouTube where he is given the name Father Almighty. This 6'3", broad shouldered, handsome man was able to bring the dance style called vogueing to the main stream with the help of a few others such as Jose & Lois Xtravaganza. Madonna's greatest hit ever "Vogue" was inspired and created by these wonderfully, creative young men and the entire gay community at large. Through Willi, I got exposed to a subculture called the Ballroom. This is where gay, bisexual and transgender people can come together to be creative and show their individual talent on the runway. There are categories such as Fem Queen Vogue, Butch Queen in Drag, Realness, and many others. Their scoring goes to ten which means ovahness. Ovahness means great by the way. If you don't do well, you get chopped. While discovering all this, I was amazed at how much about gay people and the gay community I did not know. I never knew there was a such thing as a ball for gay people. I was like many of you. If I heard the word ball, I would think of pretty girls in long white dresses and guys in tuxes. The ballroom scene does have that element but not all the way all the time. To see so many men and women involved in such a scene was mind blowing. But then there was another side that was shown to me. I started looking at people's testimonies of how God brought them out of the gay lifestyle. Many had been molested and abused, some had not. Some were introduced to it. There was young lady on the Tyra Banks show who I believe was forced into because of some people she got herself caught up with. But I digress. Then just last week, I watched a documentary on YouTube called Lost In The Crowd. The documentary interview LGBT youth who had been thrown out of their homes because they were gay. To see the documentary, go here: <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>.

Listen, after watching the documentary, I am starting to see people as God sees them. I have a different love for people now. I have an appreciation for things that I don't always understand or even know about. I have gay people in my family. I even look at them differently now. I love them still. I understand the passage of scripture that says "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall have everlasting life. For He sent not His Son to condemn the world but that the world through Him might be saved." John:3:16,17 I understand now. I know what my assignment is. Saints of the most high God. No, we are not to get comfortable with any lifestyle of sin but we are to lead people to our wonderful Savior, Jesus. That is what God wants from us. Have got to get passed out traditional and religious thinking by obeying the Holy Spirit when He speaks to about a certain situation or topic. I see why God keeps putting gay marriage in our faces. He wants us to deal with that spirit without being demeaning and condemning. If you just give people this Jesus that many of us claim we love so much, then God can really move on this on Earth. And He does want to. But what are we willing to do so He can do it? I challenge every saint out there to actually sit back and ask God what does He really want you to do so can effect the world for Him. I know what I am going to do. Do you?

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