Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Kevin Terry: How I feel

Hey guys. I was online a couple of weeks ago, googling for some information. And I saw that this one website was talking about a gospel artist named Kevin Terry. And the information that they displayed on their website shocked me a bit because it was an allegedly Christian website. I was in shock about what was being wrote about this brother. At first, I didn't believe it because I know how "us" can be. But then people were saying that everything was true. Okay, fine. But here is the thing: those of us who called ourselves Christians were and are acting extremely unChrist like. Well, what do you mean by that? Glad you asked. When a brother of ours falls, the Word says that we are to be there to pick him up. By no means should we condone the sin but we are to be there to cover our brother and help him. I am not saying turn a blind eye. Not at all. But don't beat our brother down. The world was already doing that. So why should we do it? Okay, he made a mistake. He made a mistake. But guess what? Who hasn't? It breaks my heart to see people who love the title of Christian but never living it. And for some reason, we got this thing in our heads that if we insult, bully and scrutinize people, they will come out of their sin. Guess what? They won't. As a matter of fact, the spirit or spirits that come out of your mouth will strengthen the spirit or spirits already on them. Since people need scripture, go check out James 3: 1-12. You think that people don't already feel awful for what they have done? Sure, they do. Never let no one fool you. They maybe saying that what you say don't hurt them but it does. You may never see it but it does. Am I saying that we should sit back and condone sin? Absolutely not! That's our problem now! But I am saying we need to learn how to handle things with tact because looking at what church folks have said about this brother we clearly don't know how to do that. Whenever you devote time and energy to kill another person whether by website, blog or YouTube, something is wrong with your spirit. I won't say your Holy Ghost because the Holy Ghost don't act like that. We know that! We all know that! I don't care what you church folk say. Lift Kevin up in prayer and stop talking about Him like he is lower than dirt. You know what church folks(Saints, this ain't for y'all. Y'all good.)? You will be judged by God for what you did to Kevin and what you did not. Watch your mouth and your step. This man may have to end up laying before God for your very soul. So watch how treat him and anybody else like him.

Mr. Kevin keep your head up, brother. Let church folk say what they say. Us Saints are praying for you. You know what...this is what God gave me concerning your situation. Whenever you make a decision to totally live for God, everybody is not going to like it. People, as you can tell, get down right malicious. People lose their minds because they can no longer be your God. As long as you did what they did, said what they said, acted how they acted, they were all right with you. But when God starts to call you out of your situation and heed His call, they want to keep you a clone. Following the masses like they are. But God be thanked that you chose not to do that. And to me, it's evident that you chose not to do that. Because the persecution. Yes, it's embarrassing. Shamful and shaming. But God is refining you. He's making you the man that He says that you are. You are in transition and process right now. You are going to come out as pure gold though. And even your choir has got to go through. If not, they are going to have to leave. Because on this next go round, there won't be any hiding or fluff. The anointing is going to come forth for real and not just the gift. Paul said "it was good that I was afflicted". It's good, Kevin. It's good. You are now even more qualified to be the choir director, singer and songwriter that you are because you have gone through. You are going to be all right. You're going to be alright. We're praying for you, bro. And us Saints love you.

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